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Kategorija: Arhiva novosti
Projekt Kepler
Počelo odbrojavanje za lansiranje teleskopa u zemljinu orbitu za otkrivanje planeta sličnih Zemlji izvan sustava Sunca. Više o projektu i dodatnih informacija na stranici NASA-e
Poziv na sastanak astronoma
Pozivamo sve na sastanak koji će se održati 1.3. (nedjelja)
u 13.30 h na Zvjezdarnici Zagreb u svezi međusobnog upoznavanja i dogovora o
problemima koji tište ne samo astronome profesionalce nego i one koji se time
bave u slobodno vrijeme (da ne kažem amatere). Prije svega bilo bi dobro da
predstavnici udruga dođu na sastanak jer se nadam da će biti govora i o
reaktiviranju udruge koja je nekad postojala. Vjerujem da je onima izvan
Zagreba nezgodno doći, te ako im to nije moguće biti će obavješteni o rezultatima
razgovora. Predložene teme razgovora su:
1. Objedinjavanje sustava informacije medu astronomima.
2. Popularizacija.
3. Potpora projektima.
4. Reaktiviranje jedinstvene udruge astronoma amatera.
S. Danko Bosanac
Predsjednik HAD
Eksplozija astronomije
Amateri u astronomiji.
Astronomy Hits the Big Time
Adrian Cho and Daniel Clery
Science 16 January 2009
Vol. 323. pp.
(Courtesy of Sloan Digital Sky Survey)
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey’s 2.5-meter telescope catalogs all it can see. An
amateur found the strange "light echo" known as Hanny’s Voorwerp
(inset, green) in the mounds of data.
Svjetski največi teleskopi
The world’s top ten telescopes revealed
Potraga za životom u Svemiru
Potraga za životom u Svemiru stara je 150 godina.
Time to turn off the lights
Cities needlessly shine billions of dollars directly into the sky each year and, as a result; a fifth of the world’s population cannot see the Milky Way. Malcolm Smith explains why a dark sky has much to offer everyone. Over the past six decades, professional and amateur astronomers have been pioneering efforts to curb light pollution to protect the viability of their observatories. During the 2009 International Year of Astronomy, particularly through the Dark Skies Awareness project1, astronomers can find allies in a common cause to convince authorities and the public that a dark sky is a valuable resource for everyone.
Malcolm Smith
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Casilla 603, La Serena, Chile.
Email: msmith@ctio.noao.edu
Nature 457, 27 (1 January 2009) (za cjeloviti tekst potrebna je pretplata)
Preparing high-school physics teachers
By taking on a significant part of the education of high-school physics teachers, physics departments in the US can inspire their students and help ensure a scientifically educated population.
Distant planet is an orbiting hell
Astronomers have observed a planet some 200 light years from Earth that, for a few hours, becomes 700 degrees Celsius (1,300 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter every time its elliptical orbit brings it close to its sun.
Full article
Nekoliko zanimljivih članaka
Za sve one koji vole pročitati nešto iz područja astronomije, ovdje mogu pronaći nekoliko zanimljivih članaka iz Nature i Physics Nature.
Which moon to shoot for?
Planetary scientists have a rare chance to pick the destination for their next big mission. But will it be Titan or Europa? (Special report – Nature, 22.1.2009)
Is there life on Europa?
BOOK REVIEWED – Unmasking Europa: The Search for Life on Jupiter’s Ocean Moon
Shocking start for the solar system
In the 1970s, the hypothesis arose that our solar system was formed by a passing shock wave from a supernova, which triggered the collapse of an interstellar cloud into a dense region of gas and dust that further contracted to become the Sun and its orbiting planets…
Signs of dark matter?
Two groups of cosmic-ray observers have reported unexpectedly large fluxes of high-energy electrons and positrons. Those excesses suggest either that there are undiscovered astrophysical sources such as radio-quiet pulsars surprisingly nearby or that the positrons and electrons are annihilation products of WIMPs—weakly interacting dark-matter particles hundreds of times more massive than the proton.